Five Wheels– – Corporate Branding made easy with Highline

Five Wheels introduces India’s first 5 wheel scooter with Quintell Technology. They offer more stability, agility and comfort than any other competitors in this category


  • Since it was an outdoor brand activation, the kit provided should be of stable and withstand all weather conditions
  • Durability and portability of the outdoor kit was an important factor for Five Wheels
  • The kit should be at par with the brand image and guidelines set by Five Wheels
Five Wheels Activation
Five Wheels Brand Activation


  • Understanding Five Wheel’s requirements, Insta presented ‘HighlineTM’ as a portable backdrop solution
  • The kit provided was of high built quality, hence resulting in high durability in nature
  • The installation and dismantling of the kit was done with ease due to its portability nature and clever product design


  • Five Wheels have used the same kit twice, within two months of purchase so far


  • Insta’s spontaneous and effective client servicing throughout,resulted in hassle free execution
  • The product stood up to its name on quality and enabled Five Wheels to reuse the same solution numerous times