Exhibition Etiquette 101: A Guide on What Not to Do

  • Posted by: Trisha Khanna

Exhibitions are not merely gatherings; they are vibrant hubs of business activity, providing companies with a unique opportunity to showcase their products, forge connections, and stay ahead in an ever-evolving marketplace. Yet, amid the whirlwind of activity, it is crucial to remember that success at these exhibitions isn’t just about the quality of your offerings—it’s also about how you present yourself. Proper exhibition etiquette is the key to leaving a lasting positive impression.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the dos and don’ts of exhibition etiquette, focusing on the pitfalls to avoid to ensure a successful and respectful presence at these events.

Neglecting stall design

Your custom exhibition stall is more than a physical space; it is a visual representation of your brand and its values. Neglecting its appearance can be a grave mistake. Imagine walking into a store with cluttered shelves and disarray—would you be inclined to make a purchase? The same principle applies to exhibition stalls.

When designing your custom exhibition stall, prioritize your objectives. Avoid clutter and ensure that signage is clear, concise, and readable from a distance. Think of your custom stall as a storefront; it should be inviting and create an atmosphere that draws attendees in. Invest time and resources into crafting a visually appealing stall, as it is the first impression you make on potential clients.

Being too aggressive

Engaging with attendees is crucial, but there is a fine line between being proactive and coming across as overly aggressive. Ambushing people as they walk by, using high-pressure sales tactics, or invading personal space can make potential clients uncomfortable and create a negative perception of your brand.

Instead, aim for a balanced approach. Train your exhibition stall staff to be approachable and ready to assist, but also give attendees the space to explore your offerings at their own pace. Pay attention to body language and verbal cues to gauge interest, and adjust your approach accordingly. Remember, building connections is a gradual process, and respect for attendees’ boundaries is paramount.

Ignoring basic manners

Basic manners may seem like common sense, but in the hectic environment of an exhibition, they can be easily overlooked. Failing to greet visitors with a warm smile and a friendly hello, interrupting ongoing conversations, or appearing dismissive can create an immediate negative impression.

Your exhibition stall staff should be trained to embody basic manners—greeting everyone, regardless of the size of their business or apparent interest in your offerings. Encourage active listening, as it demonstrates genuine interest and respect for the attendees. Remember, professionalism starts with the basics.

Not doing your homework

Before stepping onto the exhibition floor, it is imperative to conduct thorough research. This includes understanding the event itself, knowing the demographics and preferences of the attendees, and staying informed about your competition.

Neglecting this preparatory phase can lead to embarrassing situations. Imagine being unable to answer basic questions about your industry or lacking awareness of the latest trends. Take the time to prepare thoroughly; it will not only enhance your credibility but also enable more meaningful conversations with attendees.

Ignoring follow-up procedures

The exhibition itself is just the beginning. Ignoring the importance of follow-up procedures can negate the efforts you put into making connections during the event. Failing to promptly send promised information, being inconsistent in post-event communication, or neglecting to follow up with potential clients can damage your credibility and hinder the development of valuable relationships.

Develop a robust follow-up strategy before the exhibition begins. This includes timely communication, personalized follow-up emails, and delivering on any promises made during the event. Consistency and professionalism in post-show interactions are key to converting connections into meaningful business relationships.

Missing networking opportunities

Exhibitions are not just about showcasing your products; they are also prime opportunities for networking. However, some exhibitors make the mistake of confining themselves to their exhibition stalls, missing out on chances to connect with other exhibitors and industry professionals.

Attend networking events, join panel discussions, and actively seek opportunities to collaborate. Building a network extends beyond immediate business gains; it opens doors to partnerships, collaborations, and valuable insights. Be proactive in expanding your professional circle during the exhibition.

Lack of staff training

Your custom stall staff serves as the face of your company during an exhibition. Failing to provide them with proper training can be detrimental to your brand image. Each team member should be well-versed in your products or services, capable of articulating your value proposition clearly, and aligned with the goals of your participation in the exhibition.

Training should encompass not only product knowledge but also etiquette, effective communication, and problem-solving. A well-trained team ensures that every interaction reflects positively on your brand, contributing to a seamless and professional exhibition experience.

Poor time management

Exhibitions are fast-paced events with a limited timeframe. Poor time management can result in missed opportunities and a less-than-optimal return on investment. Avoid spending too much time with a single visitor at the expense of others, and be mindful of the overall flow of the event.

Plan your schedule effectively, ensuring that you have ample time to engage with a diverse range of attendees. Allocate time for breaks and emergencies, but remain focused on making the most out of every second you spend on the exhibition floor.

Failing to collect and qualify leads

One of the primary goals of participating in an exhibition is to generate leads. Failing to collect contact information or not qualifying leads on the spot can render your efforts futile. Implement a streamlined lead capture system, and ensure that your team understands the criteria for a qualified lead.

This not only facilitates post-event follow-up but also contributes to a more focused and targeted approach. Collecting and qualifying leads effectively maximizes the potential for converting connections into tangible business opportunities.

Disregarding stall neighbours

In the pursuit of showcasing your own offerings, it’s easy to overlook your stall neighbours. Ignoring them or encroaching on their space can create a negative atmosphere and hinder potential collaboration. Establishing a friendly relationship with neighbouring exhibitors can lead to cross-promotional opportunities, shared insights, and a more positive overall experience for everyone involved.

Exhibitions are not just about individual success; they are a collective effort to showcase the diversity and innovation within an industry. Collaborate with your custom exhibition stall neighbours, share insights, and foster a sense of community. The goodwill generated can have long-lasting benefits beyond the duration of the exhibition.


In the intricate realm of exhibitions, mastering the art of etiquette is paramount. Your stall is not just a physical space; it is a representation of your brand’s values and professionalism. From the initial stall design to post-show follow-ups, every interaction matters.

By avoiding the common pitfalls outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can ensure that your company stands out for all the right reasons. Professionalism, courtesy, and effective communication are the keys to making the most of your exhibition experience and building lasting connections in the dynamic world of business.

Author: Trisha Khanna

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