Tip 1. You always move in the visitor
If you want to attract someone for a sale it is not about I, me and myself. Put yourself in the visitor’s shoes, the problems they face on a daily basis and how your product or service will solve it. Stick to make a sale without too many technical details of products and services. Successful selling is done by highlighting benefits.
Tip 2. Scan someone’s badge / business card; but not immediately
“Hello, who are you and how much time are you worth?” As an employee on an exhibition stall, you will never say this out loud, but subconsciously you do scan perhaps by direct person’s badge. It is unpleasant and intrusive but needs a direct tone to put it. Go rather informal conversation and compromised patient wondering if you could deepen the conversation, it is enjoyable and natural to both parties.
Tip 3. Quickly clear what differentiates
After a warm welcome to your exhibition stand and a brief overview, clear what advantages does your product or service have. Do not do that in an endless story full of digressions, but keep it practical and concrete. After the demonstration or presentation, you can elaborate if required.
Tip 4. Give a unique give away
A giveaway is a proven method to attract visitors to your booth, but give it with a twist. Offer something to eat or drink? Think of sustainability or social responsibility. Or give away a little plant with the words: “On the growth of your business.”
Tip 5. Keep the initiative on the visitor
Always close a conversation on a worthy note without insisting on selling your product or service. Give visitors the opportunity to choose their next step, or to abandon. If someone is not interested in your offer, the likelihood of a sale is already small.


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